A day late and a dollar short

 This post was transferred on January 3, 2010. It was originally posted on July 2, 2009.

This post should have been made yesterday, but due to a combination of me not realizing that, yes another month had started and Cayla not getting off the computer when I asked, I wasn't able to get it done on time.

I took advantage of yesterday being my day off to do pretty much nothing. I've got websites to do, housework to do, menus to plan and what-not, but I was on the computer most of the day. I did make chicken and mashed potatoes for supper, though, so it wasn't a total waste.

I tried to get out of taking Cayla to church, but she wanted to go and I had agreed to do an errand for Mom, so I had to. I tried to get Donna to do it, but she said she hadn't been to bed yet (this was 6 p.m., she'd been up since 9 p.m. Tuesday night), so that was a no-go.

So, I dropped Cayla off at church, picked up a hamburger at Wendy's and a chocolate shake at Ja-Mar's for Mom and took them back to her place. It took me about half an hour to get into her email. I don't know what the problem is - she's using a brand-new computer. It only has 1 G RAM, though, and the connection is 768 M. She actually asked to have the older computer (runs on Win98) hooked up again.

So, anyway ... that was pretty much my day yesterday. Except for visiting Sandy M. on the way home - kept the visit short, as she is recovering from surgery. She looks good, though - relaxed. And an argument over having Amanda do something I told her to do on Tuesday - that she didn't do properly, so I gave her a job for Wednesday. I started nagging in the late evening, and ske kept insisting that she couldn't do it alone. It's not a pleasant job, but it's certainly something she can do on her own. It's just that she is great at avoiding work. Grrr.


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