Cayla's birthday
Well, it was a mixed bag. We didn't have any presents for her in the morning. I was too tired to make breakfast, so she ate at school. I worked a few hours and picked her up after school. We went to the bookstore at the mall, stopped at Sun Market and Deli for a soda and chips and then headed off to the Callender Heritage Library, where Curtis Michalek was promoting his book, Aluris: The Book of Annua . We got there after he did a reading, but he had books to sell. So we bought one and he autographed it to Cayla. We went home. I was planning to cook hamburgers, but we were expecting a UPS delivery and it hadn't come yet, so Kent wanted me to check it online. I checked, but there was no update. Then I heard something outside. Yep, a UPS truck. But he wasn't coming to our house - he was trying to figure out where he was. The truck was down the street, then it passed our place and turned around at the convenience store. He parked it in the neighbor's driveway as I was walk...