truly random babble
It's 1:43 a.m. Saturday. The wind is picking up. There's a wind advisory until 4 p.m. Great. Hope I get to sleep when I finally go to bed.
Kent has decided to go visit some friend of his in Canada. Some Internet friend. Allegedly a male. Whoop-ti-do. He's going to buy his bus ticket next week, then go the following week. Doesn't matter what goes on here - the fact that I work evenings and even if I can get Mom or my nieces to babysit, I would be bringing the girls home late and disrupt their sleeping habits doesn't matter. Just lovely.
I haven't prepared my Sunday School lesson yet. I'll do that after I get up. I have to remember to go into work a bit earlier because I have to make sure a fax gets sent by 5 p.m.
I was watching an episode of Farscape - Home on the Remains - the other night and a commercial for Claritin came on during the show. Wow - talk about synchronicity .
There was a "Fall Festival" at church - Friday night, tonight...