HP Magic Giveaway update
Entered the HP Magic Giveaway at GearLive: http://jk9.qlnk.net/ Their requirements are a little more detailed: You have to have a GearLive account and post a link on Twitter. Then you post a comment on the GearLive page with a link to the Twitter post. You can earn bonus entries by posting in four other places: Facebook, Delicious.com, FriendFeed and your blog. I don't have a FriendFeed account - yet - but it might be worth it for this. ;-) I can't figure out how to do Shared Link on Facebook, and I'm wondering how they can view my profile anyway - I don't want it completely open, just my friends and networks. I'll work on that later. I also entered at Windows Connected . They want an email with a 150-word-or-less explanation on how the prize package would be used. I also used TinyURL to make a good URL for Twitter: http://tinyurl.com/hpmagic.