I'm soooo behind

I'm still trying to get the hang of the Pathway experience. Of my two classes, I'm doing better in the religion course. I've got a lot of the general studies assignments that I haven't completed. The best I can hope for is 50 percent of the grade when I do turn them in, so I'm not sure I can even pass at this point.

But I'm still going to try.

Let's take Lesson 2 for example. This is a beginning lesson on The Learning Model & The Honor Code.

The Learning Model embraces five principles:

Principle One: Learners and teachers at BYU-Idaho exercise faith in the Lord Jesus Christ as a principle of action and power.
Principle Two: Learners and teachers at BYU-Idaho understand that true teaching  is done by and with the Holy Ghost.
Principle Three: Learners and teachers at BYU-Idaho lay hold upon the word of God - as found in the holy scriptures and in the words of the prophets - in all disciplines.
Principle Four: Learners and teachers at BYU-Idaho act for themselves and accept responsibility for learning and teaching.
Principle Five: Learners and teachers at BYU-Idaho love, serve, and teach one another.

I need to exercise faith more often and invite the Holy Spirit into my heart more. I need to spend more time (and more often) reading the scriptures. I think the other two principles may be easier - or more natural - for me.

We have a weekly gathering from 7 to 9 p.m. each Thursday.  Although the people in my gathering are not in the same online class group, we are all studying the same thing. One person leads the discussion in each class, and we take turns with it. We are all encouraging each other.

The Honor Code

Part of the Honor Code states: You should complete your own work and be evaluated for that work as you seek to be completely honest in all your dealings. PathwayConnect students avoid academic dishonesty and misconduct in all its forms, including, but not limited to, plagiarism, cheating, and fabrication/falsification. The most common examples of academic dishonesty are copying another person's work or not acknowledging a source of information.

One part of the religion course is called Digging Deeper. There's a set of videos in each lesson - maybe seven or either - and we are required to watch at least six of them. In last week's lesson, I didn't get around to watching the videos before taking the quiz on the material. One of the questions is "did you watch at least six of the Digging Deeper" videos. Since I had not watched them at that point (although I still plan to), I answered "no".

In the General Studies class this week, part of the assignment was to spend 30 minutes looking at the Provident Living website set up by the church. I missed that before I started the quiz, so I looked at it quickly and honestly answered with how much time I had spent looking at the site. It made my grade a little less, but it was the truth. And I still plan to go back and spend more time looking it over.

So there you have my lesson 2 "share with a friend". I'm trying to catch up, starting with the earlier missed assignments, while keeping up with the current ones.


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