The NBC show "Chuck" has been renewed for its fifth season . This is good news. It's a great show overall, and one of my favorites. I generally watch the morning after it's aired, since we are cable-less now, but it's worth waiting for. The bad news: this is likely the last season for the show. I hope that the season-of-13-shows-with-option-for-more turns into a full season, and I hope that enough people join the current fans of "Chuck" to increase the numbers and keep the show going. Synopsis: Chuck, who has been in a holding pattern since being kicked out of Stanford for cheating (he didn't) and being dumped by his girlfriend, receives a mysterious email from his old college roommate, Bryce, who was the person who turned him for cheating. The email downloads top-secret information into his brain, which can then make connections between things he sees or hears and the government data. Chuck then becomes a government asset, to be guarded and watc...