What do we have to be thankful for? *Grumble*
It's been an interesting month so far. I wrecked the Escort and it's looking like we're going to be lucky to get a couple hundred dollars for it, if anything. That's the "loss of use" amount offered by the other insurance company. They are claiming I'm 50 percent responsible for the accident when I was driving on a street with no stop sign for me, but their (15-year-old) driver had a stop sign. The amount for the car will probably go to the finance company. So, we won't be able to replace the car. Kent's car is still out of commission. Kent's still recovering from knee replacement surgery and has to go to physical therapy three times a week. I'm driving my niece's '92 Pontiac Grand Prix, which is a total gas hog. It's solidly built, though, which is better if we are in an accident. I signed up for NaNoWriMo but haven't written anything. The end of the month is coming up awfully fast. The Lifestyle editor at work has been ou...